Marketing Holistic Health Tourism

Proposal for Marketing Holistic Health Tourism for Nepal

I have a goal. I want to start a non-profit to promote holistic health tourism in Nepal. This non-profit will market holistic health tourism in Nepal. It will serve as the better business bureau for Nepal. There are many yoga, massage, meditation, etc centers in Nepal. These health centers are natural to Nepal. I'd like to promote these.
I need to make SMART goal. 

I need to make a proposal. I need to make a case to show that I have the credibility and accreditation for people to invest in me. I need to understand what people need to see in me before they invest in me.
I have an Associates in Engineering and a Bachelors in Health Services Administration. I graduated with Honors. 

I need venture capitalists to invest in me. I am a certain technology. I can deliver certain quality product and service. 

I need to have a business plan. I need to figure out how much money and resources I need to make my plan work. I need to make a vision of how I see Nepal. In many ways I can use Durga Pokhrel's vision for my plan.

Question: Why should people believe in me? Why should they invest in me?

Answer: I have certain natural strengths. I am a published writer. I feel that I am suited for this work for several reasons. One of the strongest is my history. At present I feel that I am positioned well to take advantage of opportunities in my vicinity. I live in San Francisco. San Francisco is the spiritual mecca of holistic health in the West. There are several educational institutions in this area that offer advanced degrees in the area of my interest.

Question What is currrently stopping me from moving forward in my goal?
Answer: Money for education and living expenses.

Question: Do I necessarily need a Masters or a Phd to do this work?
Answer: Getting that qualification would give me the credibility to do that work. I need to show that I know what I am talking in a credible way. The advanced degrees would give me credibility.

Question: Why should established Nepalese who are financially well-to-do invest in me?
Answer: Because if I get my Masters and my Phd, I hope to start a chain reaction--a domino effect. I hope to promote holistic-health businesses in Nepal. I hope to promote Nepal in developed nations. There are many vicious cycles in Nepal. I hope to work with a team to start a virtuous cycle.